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Our Green Advertising Agency and a Four-day Work Week
"DDA employees not only spend less on gas each week, they combine to emit 750 fewer pounds of CO2 every week."
A four-day work week sounds great to anyone slaving away at a 9-to-5 job Monday through Friday — and it is. But it doesn’t mean we work less than anyone else. It just means that we’re doing our small part to stay green – Green DDA, that is.
You see, at Dynamic Digital Advertising, we’ve been using the compressed, four-day week since 1999, long before state governments, school districts, and other businesses even realized its long-term advantages, both economically and environmentally. At our “green” advertising agency, we work 40 hours each week, just like the majority of the American working public. It’s just that we put in four 10-hour days, instead of five 8-hour days.
The obvious advantage for the average employee is a three-day weekend, something we all appreciate here at DDA (although we do remain available to clients via email and voicemail on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays). But this compressed schedule also allows us to not only be the top full-service advertising agency and website design company in the Philadelphia area, and one of the top nationally, but one of the greenest small businesses around.
A survey of DDA employees determined that we combine to travel approximately 750 miles each day to and from work. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average passenger vehicle in the United States goes about 20 miles per gallon of gas, and each gallon of gas emits roughly 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air, contributing to haze, smog, and global warming.
That means that DDA employees not only spend less on gas each week, they combine to emit 750 fewer pounds of CO2 every week by making four round trips instead of five. That equals 39,000 pounds – or nearly 200 TONS of carbon dioxide – each year, and more than 1,500 tons of C02 in the nine years DDA has used a compressed work week. That may not be enough to bring down the average global temperature, but it’s DDA’s way of doing our part.
Heating, Cooling and Electricity
With energy costs rising, DDA sees significant savings on heating, cooling, and electric bills thanks to the fact that the office is dark three days out of every week. But aside from those savings, there is plenty of effort going into energy saving in our four-day work week. And in an age when everyone is turning out the lights, lowering the thermostat, and trying to save the planet – every little bit helps.
Philadelphia's professional
website design services are provided by Dynamic Digital Advertising
who relies on a complex and exhaustive custom website development
process of fourteen distinct steps. Each step is systematically
and professionally executed by an experienced professional on DDA’s
website design team. Search engine optimization technicians, market
research specialists, graphic design artists, copywriters, videographers,
and programmers are just a few of the many experts who engage in
the custom website design process for the purpose of building a
powerful tool that puts your website on the front search engine
Click here to learn more about custom website design and development
As one of the top graphic design companies in the nation, Dynamic
Digital Advertising has established a graphic
design department capable of handing everything from aesthetic
website design to virtual reality. Aesthetic custom website design
is important for impressing an audience. DDA graphic designers will
create an industry-specific design that sends the message of professionalism
and competence. Virtual reality, available for websites, CD-ROM,
or DVD, creates an interactive world that promotes your products
or services. To see everything else that DDA can do for you, click
Click here to learn more about our graphic design services
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