Doing What Others Say Can't Be Done,™ Since 1994



Forget Tortoises and Hares–Self-paced Training Wins the Race

Slow and steady wins the race, and so does jack-rabbit quick when the goal is not synchronization, but coaxing the best performance from each employee. Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) Corporate and Medical Training’s self-paced training techniques, eLearning tools, and other training methods provide structured on-the-job training for first time managers, experienced employees who need to learn a new skill quickly, and any other professional in need of training on-the-job.

Try Different Types of Technology-based Training Methods

Corporate training and business training are to employees as software updates are to computers: essential. Experienced, upper-level employees and recent hires alike will benefit from, online corporate training materials, and other multimedia eLearning services from DDA Corporate and Medical Training. Tools like self-paced learning through video training and self-paced learning through virtual simulation will keep employees using current technology while learning everything you want them to know, since we custom design the business training tools with your input and information.


Computer-based Training Services for the Busy Professional

Here on our website, you can sample computer-based training methods and DDA Corporate and Medical training tools created for other clients. Computer-based training, like corporate and medical eLearning tools, provide structured on-the-job training for first time managers or experienced staff looking to learn new skills. The advantages of on-the-job training are largely in the ability to supervise, and that an employee can leave employment training on the job at their job.


Breaking All the Rules with Innovative Training Tools

Gone are the one-size-fits-all types of training methods that defined older corporate job training techniques. As the trend of decentralization continues on all levels, DDA Corporate and Medical Training materials emphasize the individualized business ethos with different training methods that will show you the advantages of on-the-job training—specifically, of on-the-job self-instructional training.


Our Different Methods of Training Organizations and Employees

Examples of on-the-job training techniques like self-paced computer training and self training available on Blackberry and iPod, are only the beginning; DDA Corporate and Medical Training has many different methods of training employees. Who thinks of fun or efficiency when they think of employment training, on-the-job or otherwise? You and your employees will, once you’ve experienced the custom designed, self-paced management training tools, sales training tools, and other training programs created by DDA Corporate and Medical Training.


Effective Methods for Training Employees in the Digital Age

The advantages of on-the-job and off-the-job eLearning and training are obvious—at work, employees are in a less distracting environment; at home, people can multi-task, and feel less stressed about completing training while on company time. Whichever you choose, DDA Corporate and Medical Training’s employee training techniques are the technologically advanced solution to the often expensive necessity of personnel development. New off-site employee training methods have to fit professionals’ busy schedules, and onsite training has to fit your company’s fast pace. DDA Corporate and Medical Training is the perfect fit for any corporation, because it is custom designed for your needs.
